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Diriye Osman - Fairytales for Lost Children

Diriye Osman Fairytales for Lost Children Team Angelica


Fairytales for Lost Children is narrated by people constantly on the verge of self-revelation. These characters - young, gay and lesbian Somalis - must navigate the complexities of family, identity and the immigrant experience as they tumble towards freedom. Set in Kenya, Somalia and South London, these stories are imbued with pathos,

passion and linguistic playfulness, marking the arrival of a singular new voice in contemporary fiction.

Praise for Fairytales for Lost Children:

'Fantastic writing. I am most highly impressed. I've read some of the stories more than once and saw in each of them plenty of talent everywhere - in every sinew and vein.'


There is nothing more humbling than good writing except when the author is fiercely beautiful and ferociously generous of heart. That Diriye Osman should possess so much talent is only fair in light of his goodness. Read this book.'


The characters in these fairy tales are displaced in multiple, complicated ways. But Osman's storytelling creates a shelter for them; a warm place which is both real and imaginary, in which they find political, sexual, and ultimately psychic liberation.'


'East Africa.South London. Queer. Displaced. Mentally Ill. My excitement over Osman and his writing comes, in part, out of delight at the impossibility of categorisation.'

- ELLAH ALLFREY, The Telegraph

'Osman is a courageous writer but he is also an original one. His language is peppered with Somali words and crafted with all the concision and riches of poetry. At a time when African writing is on the rise, Osman stands above the crowd.'


For a comprehensive list of the acclaim Fairytales for Lost Children has received, you can access the Diriye Osman media archive here.

You can purchase this text from the following outlets:

You can find out more about Diriye Osman and his groundbreaking work here:

Here is Diriye Osman in conversation with his late friend, the great Kenyan writer, Binyavanga Wainaina:

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